Sponsor a Child and Change Their World
When you sponsor a child you are giving their entire family the opportunity to escape the bottomless pit called poverty. You will receive a card with your child's photo and will have the opportunity to write and receive letters as well as an open invitation to visit your child in Kenya. For only $40 per month your child will attend school and receive an excellent education, as well as a hot lunch and clean drinking water.
Get the facts about sponsorship Get the facts about Hope for Kenya

Ali Brady
Ali’s father died in 2012. His mother is left alone to raise 4 children on her own. She sells vegetables at the local market and cannot afford school fees for her youngest children which includes Ali. This mother is requesting support as she wants all her children to be able to receive an education. Please consider sponsoring Ali. Thank you!

Allen Spencer
Allen is one of seven children as well as three other children that his parents have decided to take in. His father is often away from home working for 5 dollars a day which cannot support all his children. Allen has no hope of going to school without sponsorship. Please consider bringing relief to this family and gifting this young boy with an education.

Batista Omondi
Batisita’s father is in prison. Prisons in Kenya are very harsh, dangerous environments and the family does not know when or if the father will ever return. Batista is being raised by his mother who cannot pay to send him to school. He says he wants to go to school so that he can one day build his mom a house. Please gift this boy with a quality education so he can reach for his dreams and one day help his family and community. Thank you!

Benedict Griffins Okello
Benedict is a total orphan and lives with his 16 year old brother who is in high school. His brother is a day student and cares for him when he goes home. They have no parents and no other guardians to care for them.
Joy School

Berry Hellone
Berry's father is a pastor with very little pay and his mother does farming to help feed their family.

Brighton Junia
Brighton Junia is one of seven children. His father died in 2008 and his mother has been struggling to make ends meet and provide for all her children. She cannot afford school fees for all seven kids. We want to provide relief to this mother by ensuring that two of her kids receive a complete and quality education as well as food and clothing without cost to her with the help of a sponsor. Please consider giving the gift of education to Brighton. His brother Fidel Leekay is also in need of sponsorship.

Codwell Constantly
Godwill and his brother Cecil were abandoned by their mother shortly after the death of their father when they were still infants. They are being cared for by their grandmother who lives in a very rural area. There are no good public schools these boys can attend and she can not afford to provide them with a better education. These boys are so bright! They have learned very good English despite missing so much school. Please consider gifting these boys with an education that will provide them with security and hope for the future.

Collins Abuto
Collins wants to be a pilot. His mother is a widow who is raising her five kids alone. His younger brother Godwin is also in need of sponsorship. These boys are in a very desperate living situation and are not able to consistently attend public school. They live near to Lake Victoria where there are lots of fisherman coming in and out of the area. It is common for kids with no education to end up with an unsafe crowd and be exposed to drugs being traded among the fisherman. Please consider giving Collins a chance to learn in a safe environment where they will receive a complete education. Thank you!

Denish Atato Ochieng
Denish’s father disappeared many years ago. The family does not know where he is or if he is alive. His mother weeds farms to feed her family, but she cannot pay school fees. He and his 5 siblings are being mostly raised by their grandmother. Denish is a very smart boy, but he currently attends public school where the teachers often do not show up. Please help this young man receive a complete education and bring hope to this family through sponsorship. Thank you!

Derrick Ochieng Ogana
Derrick is 17 years old and has missed several years of school due to not being able to pay his school fees. He has a 6th grade level education and is desperately in need of a sponsorship to help him finish his education. Derrick is very determined and wants to be a doctor. Please consider helping this young man.

Donel Denis
Daniel is a bright young boy who wants to be a teacher when he grows up. Both of his parents are still alive but the family struggles to make ends meet and they can not afford school fees. Daniel has been attending public school where the teachers often fail to show up. Please consider helping this family through sponsorship, ensuring that Daniel will get a quality education. His sister Veronica is also looking for sponsorship.

Esther Favor
Ester is 10 years old and she wants to be a teacher when she grows up. She is the daughter of a pastor in the communities we serve. Pastors often do not get Pais. Their work is voluntary and yet they play such a critical role in helping needy families in Kenya. They mobilize the church congregations to help one another by sharing food or building shelters for the widows and orphans among them. Esters parents are struggling to pay her school fees and they do so much for our communities. Please help this young girl get an education. Thank you!

Eugene King Otieno
Eugene just lost his sponsor and needs support to continue his education. Eugene's parents are struggling farmers who cannot afford rent or school fees. He loves learning and always gives his best to his lessons at school.

Ezra Ogwel
Ezra’s father is in prison and his mother is often gone in search of work. He is being raised by his grandfather who is very elderly and cannot send him to school. Sponsorship will ensure that this boy can grow up in a stable environment and receive a quality education. Please consider giving him this gift. Thank you!

Felix Olouch Obunga
Alouch Felix is one of eight children. His father is very sickly and cannot work on a regular basis to make ends meet. Alouch has not been attending school regularly as his parents can not afford the school fees. However, he is extremely bright. He has basically taught himself English and is determined to learn despite his circumstances. Please help this boy receive a quality and complete education. Thank you!

Fidel Juma
Fidel’s father passed away before he was born. His mother struggles to make ends meet and Fidel has been in and out of school because she cannot consistently pay school fees for all her children. Please consider helping this family by sponsoring Fidel to go to school.

Fidel Leeke
Fidel is one of seven children. His father died in 2008 and his mother has been struggling to make ends meet and provide for all her children. She cannot afford school fees for all seven kids. We want to provide relief to this mother by ensuring that two of her kids receive a complete and quality education as well as food and clothing without cost to her with the help of a sponsor. Please consider giving the gift of education to Fidel. His brother Brighton Junia is also in need of sponsorship.

Godwin Billy
Godwin wants to be an engineer. His mother is a widow who is raising her five kids alone. They are in a very desperate living situation and her kids are not able to consistently attend public school. They live near to Lake Victoria where there are lots of fisherman coming in and out of the area. It is common for kids with no education to end up with an unsafe crowd and be exposed to drugs being traded among the fisherman. Please consider giving Godwin a chance to learn in a safe environment where they will receive a complete education. Thank you!
Griffins Otieno Nyamanga
He has a sister called Sheryl Achieng. Both his parents are dead.
Joy School

Imas Ochieng
Imas’ mother died in a tragic boating accident. She used to help fishermen on Lake Victoria for a living. Now Imas and his younger sister Beatrice are living with their grandmother who cannot afford to send them to school. Will you help Imas completed his schooling through sponsorship?

Iyan Kingsley Ochieng
Ian’s father has passed away when he was very young. His mother was involved in an accident and broke her arm. She never received proper medical attention and she no struggles to find work as she cannot use that arm. She therefore cannot earn enough to send Ian to school. He wants to be a doctor one day. Would you help this boy go to school? Thank you!
Jared Omondi Oketch
Jared’s parents are extremely poor and try to grow some food to survive. Because they never had the opportunity to go to school they have no opportunity to earn enough to put Jared in school.

Jeff Clinton
Jeff is one of four children in his family. His mother and father are struggling to provide even basic needs for their family. Both parents farm to provide food but currently need help to continue to educate Jeff and pay his school fees.
Dago Primary

Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer’s father has passed away. Jennifer’s mother sells vegetables to feed her family but does not make enough to send her three kids to school. She is requesting help so her children can have a bright future and receive a good education. Will you help?
John Bruno Odede
John's father died he went to live with his uncle as his mother could no longer care for him.
Joy School

Johny Evans
Evans’ father passed away very recently. He and his many siblings are being raised by Evans’ mother and his uncle who is now responsible for caring for his dead brother’s family. The uncle’s leg has been amputated and he is not able to work enough to send Evans’ to school. Please consider helping this family by ensuring Evans receives a quality education.

Kennedy Omondi
Kennedy’s parents work odd jobs that amount to an income of less than $1 per day. Kennedy is one of four children and there is no way for him to go to school without your help. Boys who do not go to school often end up becoming fishermen which can expose them to unsafe people and drug exchanges that happen through the fishing business. Will you bring relief to this family and gift Kennedy with a quality education so he can have bright future ahead of him. Thank you!

Kevin Odhiambo Ogana
Kevin is the younger brother of Derrick who is also in need of sponsorship. Kevin’s family is very poor and struggles to make ends meet. Both boys have been not consistently attending school and are both a few years behind their age mates. They are at risk for not receiving a complete education. Your sponsorship will help Kevin catch up and receive a quality education.

Kevin Omondi
Kevin lives with his grandmother in Awendo county. His father is not around and his mother struggles to find work. Kevin is currently at the Joy School and desperately needs a sponsor.
Joy School

Lavance Levis Omondi
Lavance has lost his sponsorship and desperately needs a sponsor to stay in school. Can you help keep Lavance in school?
Joy School

Linda Adhiambo Otieno
Linda is the daughter of the caretaker at the Joy School. Linda is a very bright little girl.
Lucas Muga
Lucas parents are extremely poor and both of them work at what ever jobs they can find on some of the local farms. Survival not education is their priority. Lucas has 2 siblings.

Lydia Awour
Lydia’s family struggles to make ends meet. She has been attending public school and the teachers often do not come to class to teach. Lydia is in the 4th grade and cannot yet read. Sponsorship will ensure that she will receive quality education in our program and catch up to her age mates. Please consider helping this family. Thank you!

Mary Esther Onyango
Mary Esther is a very bright girl. She can read which is very uncommon for kids that attend public school in her area. Often in public schools the teachers do not always come to school to teach. Many of them fall behind and drop out eventually. Her mother weeds for farmers to buy food for her children, but cannot afford to send her daughter to a good school. Please help this very smart young lady receive a quality education. Thank you!

Michael Junior Okumu
Michael is under the care of his grandfather who is a pastor with four other children. His parents are no longer in his life and they abandoned him in first grade. Sponsorship will help this 12 year old boy attend the Joy School and provider his grandfather.
Joy School
Rajab Musa
Rajab is the last born and sibling of Shamim and Isa. Both of his parents have died from HIV/AIDS. The aunt, whom he lives with, has two children of her own to care for. There is no money for Rajab’s school fees. Sponsorship is requested to give Rajab an education.
Joy School

Roney Harmaline
Roni loves math and he wants to become a mechanic. His father has passed away and he is being raised with his four siblings by his single mother. His mother works as a cleaner to earn money for food. She cannot support her son’s education and is requesting your help. Will you gift this boy with a quality education?

Sesil Mbarire
Cecil and his brother Godwill were abandoned by their mother shortly after the death of their father when they were still infants. They are being cared for by their grandmother who lives in a very rural area. There are no good public schools these boys can attend and she can not afford to provide them with a better education. These boys are so bright! They have learned very good English despite missing so much school. Please consider gifting these boys with an education that will provide them with security and hope for the future.

Snaider Achieng Mwai
Synder’s family is very poor and she has been attending public school in a very rural area where the teachers often do not show up to teach. She is very smart and has taught herself many things. She is a determined student and she wants to be a doctor. Please help this young girl attend school and receive a complete education. Thank you!
Victor Otieno
Victor’s father has died and his mother is the nurse at the Joy School caring for many children.
Joy School

Wendy Catherine
Wendy’s father disappeared before she was born. The family does not know what happened to him and he has never returned. Wendy’s mother is raising to kids alone. She works weeding other peoples farms or doing their laundry for only $1 a day. This little girl wants to be a doctor. Will you please bring this family hope through sponsorship?

Whinnie Atieno
Whinnie’s mother has seven children and Whinnie is eleven years old. Her mother washes clothes for many many people and even when work is good, she can only make $1 a day to support seven children. Whinnie is caught up in a situation where her mother cannot afford a good education. If she boards at the Joy School then she will be able to grow as a young lady in a safe environment and receive an education that will change her future. Will you partner with Whinnie today and make a lasting change? Thank you!
Joy School

Young Timothy
Young Timothy is a student who is the last born in a family of four children. His father is a small scale mechanic who does not generate enough income to support his family.
Joy School
How do I begin?
- Use Paypal (our preferred method of payment) by filling in the form below.
- Choose monthly or yearly donations from the drop down menu, entering the name of the child (by clicking "sponsor now" on the bottom tab of their picture) you would like to sponsor, and then clicking on "NEXT".
- You will then be taken to the Paypal website to complete your sponsorship. A PayPal account is required for recurring payments, but not for one time donations. Just click the link under the login button that says, "No PayPal account? Pay using your credit or debit card" and fill out the form.
- Paypal will show Hope for Kenya that this is a “child sponsor” donation and provide us with your address so we can send you pictures and letters from your child.
91% of the funds we receive go to caring for your child and go directly to Kenya. 9% is allocated to administration costs such as bank fees, supplies, and the costs related to sharing this work with others. We provide every new sponsor and donor the option to cover these administrative fees if should choose to. All your donations are tax deductible. If you have any questions please email us using the “contact” page.
Start Sponsoring Today!
Frequently Asked Questions about Sponsorship
Will I be the only person sponsoring the child I’m helping?
Yes, the child you are helping has just one sponsor: you. That’s why your prayers, letters, and support mean so much to your sponsored child. You can choose to sponsor a child as a family or a group (for example, a youth group or a class), but one person must be listed as the donor responsible for making monthly payments.
How long should my child sponsorship last?
Hope for Kenya’s child sponsorship offers you the opportunity to stay with a child through their entire academic journey! Our sponsorship program includes students pre-K to 12th grade. When a child graduates high school, their sponsor will be given the option to continue supporting them through our college program. If the sponsor agrees, the monthly sponsorship fee of $40 will now contribute to a scholarship allotted to that specific student. While we hope that you can continue supporting your sponsored child until he or she completes high school or college, we recognize that sponsors’ circumstances sometimes change. You may discontinue your sponsorship at any time. We ask that you notify us if you are unable to continue your sponsorship. Please understand that a sponsored child’s circumstances may also change. While saying goodbye to a sponsored child can be difficult, oftentimes this goodbye is something to be celebrated as it usually means the child is no longer in need of support. We will inform you as quickly as possible if any such circumstance affects the child you sponsor. We will then transfer your support to another child in need of your help.
Will I always be sponsoring the same child?
We try our best to ensure that the child you choose to support will remain your sponsored child for the as long as they are in our program. However, sometimes a child's circumstances change and they leave our program. This usually occurs when the child's family moves out of our school districts or their parents recieve better employment that allows them to now cover the child's school fees. While it can be difficult to say goodbye to a child you've been supporting, there is great reason to celebrate the new opportunities that lie ahead for that child.
If your child leaves our program, you will be notified and your sponsorship will be transferred to a new child waiting for sponsorship. If you would prefer to sponsor a child other than the one we have chosen for you, you can email us at changinglives@hopeforkenya.org and our team will help you get connected with the child of your choice.
How can I send letters to my child?
Developing the relationship between a sponsor and a child is of utmost importance to Hope for Kenya. We greatly encourage you to write letters to your student and send photos of you and your family. You can email letters and pictures to changinglives@hopeforkenya.org. We will print those letters and photos for your student and bring them to Kenya on our next trip. If you'd like to send something handwritten to your student, please send it to Hope for Kenya, PO Box 300, Lake Luzerne, NY, 12846.
It is important for sponsors to note that in Kenya, it is culturally acceptable to ask for gifts from other people. While that is understandable, it is contrary to our goals in Kenya to create a generation of people dependant on the charity of westerners to survive. Longterm success in Kenya can only be achieved when Kenyans have the tools needed to provide for themselves and their society. For these reasons, we have instructed the students not to ask for specific gifts from their sponsors. Be assured that all of your sponsored student's basic needs are being met, and at a standard that far exceeds expectations for that area. We will constantly work to provide MORE items and opportunities to the students as Hope for Kenya grows. If your sponsored child expresses a concern or a need to you, please contact us and we would be happy to check in with that child personally to ensure that they are in good health and have what they need to excel.
What does my sponsorship money provide for my child?
91% of the funds we receive go directly to caring for your child. This care includes safe housing at one of our schools, three balanced meals a day, their uniforms, other clothing items as needed, school supplies, and school tuition. 9% is allocated to administration costs such as bank fees, supplies, and the costs related to sharing this work with others. We provide every new sponsor and donor the option to cover these administrative fees if they are willing. All your donations are tax deductible. If you have any questions please email us using the “contact” page.
Get the facts about Hope for Kenya
The History of our Organization
In 2004, Peter Midodo and his wife Rachel opened the Joy Schools International in Ndhiwa, Kenya. Their mission was and still is to provide the vulnerable children in their community a quality education, clean water, food, clothes, and safe shelter. Not only do they have a heart to meet the basic needs of children in need, but the Midodos also seek to fill a parental role for many of these children who are without parents. In 2006, the Mididos invited a group of volunteers in the U.S. to join their mission and visit their school. Shortly after Hope For Kenya was formed from these orginal volunteers. Philip Coltart, our current Director from the United States, was one of these original volunteers. Since then, Hope for Kenya has expanded to helping multiple schools in Kenya and is currently working to build a high school of its own in Ndhiwa. We have dug several wells to provide access to clean water for the communities around our schools. We have also recently launched a college program that provides scholarships for our students who wish to continue their education. As our organization continues to grow, we seek to implement sustainable practices and programs to support the original vision of Peter Midodo, our Director in Kenya and his wife Rachel who serves beside him. Read more about Hope for Kenya, and how it all started...
Ways You Can Be a Part of Our Mission:
Come to Kenya with us!
Every February and October, we invite a team of sponsors, donors, and volunteers to visit our schools in Kenya for 10-14 days. On a trip, you will...
... help with current projects and initiatives, such as construction, renovations, teachers trainings, community support programs, etc.
... recieve opportunities to meet and get to know your sponsored child!
... build relationships with our students, school staff, and team members. We welcome you to bring an activity or game to share with the kids during free periods. You may also have the opportunity to teach a class if that is of interest to you.
... be given a chance to experience and be a part of Kenyan culture.
... visit the homes of current students and students eligible for sponsorship. You will travel with us to recruit vulnerable children in need of a sponsor and see firsthand some of the difficult circumstances that each of our students have faced. This segment of the trip is often the most impactful. While it can be challenging to witness children in need, it is this exposure that fuels us to continue the work we do.
... get a chance to see the beauty of Africa's landscape and wildlife at safari.
Participate in Fundraisers!
None of the money we recieve from sponsorship is used for projects such as building classrooms, water wells, and dormitories. These projects are completed through fundrasing efforts only. Every year we do several fundraisers of which you can be a part! Follow us on social media or subscribe to our newlsetter to recieve updates on what we're doing and details about how you can help.
Sponsor a Child!
You can commit to a reoccuring monthly payment of $40 that will fully provide for a childs education, food, and safe shelter. Our sponsorship program has been in action since 2014 and over 400 vulnerable children have been given a new hope by people like you! All of our children have been personally interviewed by our team members to assess their level of need and their stories can be found under their tab in our "Sponsor a Child" section. Make a difference in a childs life today. sponsors to join us on a trip to Kenya to meet the student(s) they have chosen to support.
Still have questions?
Contact us via email: changinglives@hopeforkenya.org.