New Rooms: Class 8 & Computer Lab
We are embarking on a very exciting project to provide the Joy School students an education that includes computer training.
Computer classes are temporarily being taught in one of the boy’s dorms that were constructed last summer. Due to school expansion we are in desperate need of a larger classroom dedicated solely to training the students to learn computer skills to prepare them for the new economy springing up all over Kenya.
The two classrooms will be built on top of the girl's dormitories with the addition of a small library above Peter’s office. A library will greatly enhance their English skills which is one of the main requirements for good employment opportunities.
Computer skills, English comprehension and superior language usage gives these children the opportunity of a lifetime to break out of the poverty cycle that enslaves so many orphans and needy children.
This project will cost $8,000 to complete (as of April 2016). With your help we hope to have it ready for the next school year starting January, 2017.
We also need used or reconditioned laptop computer (minimum Windows XP).
As of August, 2017 the ceiling is the only part of the computer room that needs to be completed. The ceiling is essential to minimize the amount of dust (big problem) in the room. Cost for labor and materials $2,000. We always are in need of more laptop computers.
Be a part of this project by going to "Make a Donation" or send a check to Hope for Kenya, Box 300, Lake Luzerne, NY, 12846.